Resources for Intercept Surveys

Intercept surveys were not conducted in 2020 or 2021 due to social distancing requirements in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Resources provided below are archival and for public reference.


Surveying Recommendations provided 2017-2019:

  • Aim to collect at least 100 surveys* total
  • Collect surveys in 2-hour intervals if possible with 2 surveyors.
  • Do not survey in front of or in close proximity to the infrared counter
  • Rotate between weekends/weekdays
  • Rotate times of day: (Consider the following time blocks. Please review your trail use patterns. Aim to collect
  • data during each of the following periods: 6-8 am, 8 am - 12 pm, 12-2 pm, 2-6 pm, 6-8 pm)
  • Aim to collect during every season
  • During each surveying session, one surveyor should record refusals and complete the summary sheet

Downloadable Resources: